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Terms of Service

Your hockey equipment is washed using ozone-infused water and mild detergent. While we take precautions to ensure that your equipment is not damaged during the washing and drying process, given the nature of hockey equipment and its regular wear and tear, we cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur during cleaning. By using our service, you acknowledge and accept these terms. Thank you for choosing The Wash Shop!

Terms of Service

This is a Wash, Dry & Fold service. Items are not individually tagged or inspected. We cannot be held responsible for any missing or damaged items, including those that may shrink, bleed, tear, or otherwise change during the laundering process. By using our service, you acknowledge and accept these terms. Thank you for choosing The Wash Shop!

hockey & sports equipment
cleaning & sanitizing

Bacteria and mold growing in hockey and other sports equipment poses very serious health risks. They also create harsh odours and eat away at the foam and other padding. This makes equipment less protective and makes athletes skin vulnerable to very serious staph infection such as MRSA.

The only way to effectively clean and sanitize hockey and other sports equipment at home is to wash it in hot water with chlorine bleach. However, this cleaning process can damage the padding and fabric colors, while leaving behind a harsh chemical residue which can irritate the skin.

Our all-natural ozone washing technology uses no bleach and cold water. It effectively cleans and sanitizes the equipment, which eliminates most harmful viruses, moulds and bacteria, including MRSA. Our process also significantly reduces harsh locked-in sweaty odours, which regular washing cannot remove. This ozone washing system is the same technology used by professional hockey and other sports teams around the world. And now it is available to you or your team!

full hockey duffle bag pricing

pickup & delivery ........................................................................................ $90
pickup & delivery ................................ $90
* full team pricing available on request
* skates and helmets are manually sanitized
** in-store self-serve also available

Your hockey equipment is washed using ozone-infused water and mild detergent. While we take precautions to ensure that your equipment is not damaged during the washing and drying process, given the nature of hockey equipment and its regular wear and tear, we cannot be held responsible for any damage that may occur during cleaning. By using our service, you acknowledge and accept these terms. Thank you for choosing The Wash Shop!

cleaning tips...

Adhesive tape, chewing gum,
rubber cement
1. Apply ice or cold water to harden surface; scrape with a dull knife.
2. Saturate with prewash stain remover or cleaning fluid.
3. Rinse, then launder.
Baby formula1. Pretreat or soak stains using a product containing enzymes.
2. Soak for at least 30 minutes or several hours for aged stains
3. Launder.
Beverages (coffee, tea, soft drinks,
wine, alcoholic beverages)
1. Sponge or soak stain in cool water.
2. Pretreat with prewash stain remover, liquid laundry detergent, liquid detergent booster or paste of powder laundry product and water.
3. Launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric, or oxygen bleach.
NOTE: Older stains may respond to pretreating or soaking in a product containing enzymes, then laundering.
BloodFresh Stains
Soak in cold water (do not use hot water as it will set blood stains). Launder.
Dried Stains
Pretreat or soak in warm water with a product containing enzymes. Launder.
NOTE: If stain remains, rewash using a bleach safe for fabric.
Bodily fluids1. Pretreat or soak in a product containing enzymes.
2. Launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric, or oxygen bleach.
Brown or yellow discoloration from
iron, rust, manganese
Use a rust remover recommended for fabrics; launder.
NOTE: Do not use a sodium hypochlorite bleach to remove rust stains because it may intensify discoloration
Candle wax1. Scrape off surface wax with a dull knife.
2. Place stain between clean paper towels and press with a warm iron. Replace paper towels frequently to absorb more wax and to avoid transferring stains.
3. Place stain facedown on clean paper towels. Sponge remaining stain with prewash stain remover or cleaning fluid; blot with paper towels. Let dry.
4. Launder.
NOTE: If any color remains, rewash using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric, or oxygen bleach.
Chocolate1. Pretreat or prewash in warm water with a product containing enzymes. Or, treat with a prewash stain remover.
2. Launder.
NOTE: If stain remains, rewash using a bleach safe for fabric.
Collar, cuff soil1. Pretreat with prewash stain remover, liquid laundry detergent or paste of powder detergent and water.
2. Launder.
Cosmetics1. Pretreat with prewash stain remover, liquid laundry detergent, paste of powder detergent or laundry additive and water. Or, rub with bar soap.
2. Launder.
CrayonFor a Few Spots:
1. Treat the same as candle wax or dampen the stain and rub with bar soap,
2. Launder using hottest water safe for fabric.
For a Whole Load of Clothes:
1. Wash with hot water using a laundry soap and 1 cup (212 g) baking soda.
NOTE: If color remains, launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric. Otherwise, pretreat or soak in a product containing enzymes or an oxygen bleach using hottest water safe for fabric, then launder.
Dairy products1. Pretreat or soak stains using a product containing enzymes.
2. Soak for at least 30 minutes or several hours for aged stains.
3. Launder.
Deodorants, antiperspirantsLight Stains:
1. Pretreat with liquid laundry detergent. Launder.
Heavy Stains:
1. Pretreat with prewash stain remover. Allow to stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Launder using an oxygen bleach.
Dye transfer1. Attempt restoration of white fabrics that have picked up color from other fabrics by using a packaged color remover, following label directions.
2. Launder.
NOTE: If dye remains, launder again using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric. For non-colorfast fabrics, soak in oxygen bleach, then launder.
NOTE: This type of stain may be prevented if proper sorting and laundering procedures are followed.
Egg1. Pretreat or soak stains using a product containing enzymes.
2. Soak for at least 30 minutes or several hours for aged stains.
3. Launder.
Fabric softener1. Dampen the stain and rub with bar soap.
2. Rinse out, then launder.
Fruit, juices1. Wash with bleach safe for fabric.
Grass1. Pretreat or soak in a product containing enzymes.
NOTE: If stain persists, launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric, or oxygen bleach.
Grease, oilLight Stains:
1. Pretreat with prewash stain remover, liquid laundry detergent or liquid detergent booster.
2. Launder using hottest water safe for fabric.
Heavy Stains:
1. Place stain facedown on clean paper towels. Apply cleaning fluid to back of stain.
2. Replace paper towels under stain frequently.
3. Let dry, rinse. Launder using hottest water safe for fabric.
InkNOTE: Some inks in each of the following categories _ ballpoint, felt tip, liquid- may be impossible to remove, Laundering may set some types of ink. Try pretreating using one of the following methods:
Prewash Stain Remover:
1. Pretreat using a prewash stain remover. Launder.
Denatured Alcohol or Cleaning Fluid:
1. Sponge the area around the stain with the alcohol or cleaning fluid before applying it directly on the stain.
2. Place stain facedown on clean paper towels. Apply alcohol or cleaning fluid to back of stain. Replace paper towels frequently.
3. Rinse thoroughly. Launder.
Alternate Method for Denatured Alcohol or Cleaning Fluid:
1. Place stain over mouth of a jar or glass; hold fabric taut.
2. Drip the alcohol or cleaning fluid through the stain so ink will drop into the container as it is being removed.
3. Rinse thoroughly. Launder.
MildewNOTE: Badly mildewed fabrics may be damaged beyond repair.
1. Launder stained items using a bleach safe for fabric and hottest water recommended for fabric.
Mud1. When dry, brush off as much mud as possible.
Light Stains:
2. Pretreat with a paste of powder detergent and water, liquid laundry detergent or a liquid detergent booster. Launder.
Heavy Stains:
1. Pretreat or presoak with a laundry detergent or a product containing enzymes. Launder.
Mustard1. Pretreat with prewash stain remover.
2. Launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric, or oxygen bleach.
Nail polishNOTE: Nail polish may be impossible to remove.
1. Try nail polish remover but do not use on acetate or triacetate fabrics.
2. Place stain facedown on clean paper towels. Apply nail polish remover to back of stain. Replace paper towels frequently.
3. Repeat until stain disappears, if it does.
4. Rinse and launder.
PaintWater-based Paint:
1. Rinse fabric in warm water while stains are still wet.
2. Launder.
NOTE: Once paint is dry, it cannot be removed.
Oil-based Paint and Varnish:
1. Use the same solvent the label on the can advises for a thinner.
2. If not available, use turpentine.
3. Rinse.
4. Pretreat with prewash stain remover, bar soap or laundry detergent.
5. Rinse and launder.
Perfume1. Pretreat with prewash stain remover or liquid laundry detergent.
2. Launder.
Perspiration1.Use a prewash stain remover or rub with bar soap.
NOTE: If perspiration has changed the color of the fabric, apply ammonia to fresh stains or white vinegar to old stains; rinse.
2. Launder using hottest water safe for fabric.
NOTE: Stubborn stains may respond to washing in a product containing enzymes or oxygen bleach in hottest water safe for fabric.
Pine resin1. Sponge cleaning fluid into the stain; let dry.
2. Mix liquid laundry detergent and ammonia; soak stain in the solution.
3. Launder using liquid laundry detergent.
ScorchNOTE: Badly scorched fabrics may be damaged beyond repair.
1. Launder using sodium hypochlorite bleach, if safe for fabric. Or, soak in oxygen bleach and hot water, then launder.
Shoe polishLiquid Shoe Polish:
1. Pretreat with a paste of powder detergent and water.
2. Launder.
Paste Shoe Polish:
1. Scrape residue from fabric with a dull knife.
2. Pretreat with a prewash stain remover or cleaning fluid; rinse.
3. Rub detergent into dampened area.
4. Launder using a bleach safe for fabric.
Tar1. Scrape residue from fabric.
2. Place stain facedown on paper towels. Sponge with cleaning fluid. Replace paper towels frequently to absorb more tar and to avoid transferring stains.
3. Launder in hottest water safe for fabric.
Tobacco1. Dampen stain and rub with bar soap; rinse.
2. Pretreat or soak in a product containing enzymes.
3. Launder.
NOTE: If stain remains, launder again using a bleach safe for fabric.
Typewriter correction fluid1. Let stain dry thoroughly, then gently brush excess off with a clothes brush.
2. Send to professional drycleaner and mention the type of stain.

For a lot more, see cleaning101.

Important Note! Due to fabric, dye, stain, chemical variations, time and other variables, these suggestions should be considered guidelines only. Wash World Coin Laundry will bear no responsibility for damaged fabrics due either to laundry stains or the outcome of following these guidelines or suggested products. Always test in an inconspicuous area first to ensure any products used will not damage fabric. When in doubt, consult a professional.